今天是:2024-10-26 星期六


时间:2020-07-22   来源:



The United States is not only launching a trade war with China, but also with the whole world, dragging the world economy into danger.

When the United States willfully exits from groups based on its own interests under the pretext of "American First", it becomes an enemy to all. It not only initiates the 301 investigation against China based on IPR, but also launches the 232 investigation against key global economies in the name of national security and creates trade frictions in steel, aluminum, automobile and other key industries. At present, many WTO members have already taken countermeasures against the United States and requested consultations with the United States under the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. It is fair to say that this largest trade war in the economic history launched by the United States is not a trade war between the United States and China, but a global trade war. Such U.S. practices will drag the world economy into the "cold war trap", "recession trap", "anti-contract trap" and "the trap of uncertainty", seriously worsen global economic and trade environment, destroy global industrial chain and value chain, hinder global economy recovery, trigger global market fluctuations and hurt the interests of numerous multinationals and average customers in the world.

Notes 注释

[1]pretext 借口

[2]friction 摩擦

[3]aluminum 铝

[4]fluctuation 波动,动荡