今天是:2024-05-04 星期六


时间:2020-07-08   来源:




The HKSAR will establish a committee for safeguarding national security, which is under the supervision of and accountable to the central government. To be chaired by the HKSAR chief executive, the committee shall have a national security adviser designated by the central government. The Hong Kong police force will also set up a department for safeguarding national security.

According to the law, people convicted of the national security crimes could face up to life imprisonment.

Convicted criminals will be disqualified from running for public office, and people in public office who are found guilty of the crimes will be removed from their posts.

Notes 注释

[1] under the supervision of and accountable to : 接受……的监督和问责

[2] to be chaired by: 由……担任主席

[3] will be disqualified from: 丧失……的资格