今天是:2024-05-04 星期六


时间:2020-07-07   来源:




The world today is experiencing a sea change as a result of COVID-19. On the one hand, unilateralism, protectionism and bullying practices have been on the increase. Some countries and political forces have been busy with scapegoating, decoupling and exiting from international groupings and treaties. They also attempt to disrupt international cooperation against COVID-19 and stoke confrontation between different ideologies and social systems. Such actions are pushing the world in a dangerous direction.

On the other hand, peace and development remain the theme of the times. The trend of emerging economies' rise will not change, the trend toward a multi-polar world will not change, and the trend of continued globalization amid twists and turns will not change. 

Shaping a post-COVID-19 world defined by peace and stability, openness and diversity and win-win cooperation serves the shared interests of all countries and responds to the call of the times. 

Notes 注释

[1] unilateralism, protectionism and bullying practices:单边主义、保护主义和霸凌行径

[2] scapegoat, decouple and exit:甩锅、脱钩、退群

[3] stoke confrontation:挑起对抗