今天是:2024-04-28 星期日


时间:2020-05-22   来源:




Loyalty. Our heroes and role models all have unfailing commitment to the endeavors of the Party and the people. They are loyal to their ideal of serving the people, and their self-imposed mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. They have left so stirring epics with their life-long dedication.

Conviction. Our heroes and role models have all stepped forward and risen to the occasion where the Party and the people need them the most. They have immersed themselves in work day in and day out for decades on end. They are committed to serving the country and the people, have no complaint or regret, and have remained dedicated to achieving national renewal.

Modesty. Our heroes and role models have all been making selfless contribution on ordinary jobs, always placing the greater good above their personal gains. They have this noble character of ‘not claiming credit but always making sure to contribute their share to the success of the cause’. Many of them have accomplished incredible feats while being content with remaining obscure, giving expression to selflessness of the highest order. 

Notes 注释

[1] have unfailing commitment to the endeavors: 矢志不渝、百折不挠 

[2] stirring epics: 动人事迹 

[3] make selfless contribution: 无私奉献

[4] place the greater good above personal gains: 舍小家顾大家

[5] remain obscure: 隐姓埋名