今天是:2024-04-28 星期日


时间:2020-05-13   来源:


1. reap v.取得(成果),收获,收割(庄稼)

2. haven n.安全的地方,保护区,避难所;vt.把(船)开进港,为…提供避难场所,掩护

3. incite v.煽动,鼓动

4. endeavour 英[ɪnˈdevə(r)] 美[ɪnˈdevər] n.(尤指新的或艰苦的)努力,尝试 v.努力,尽力,竭力



For us all to reap the rewards of digitalisation, we are committed to realising an open, free and secure internet. The internet must not be a safe haven for terrorists to recruit, incite or prepare terrorist acts. To this end, we urge online platforms to adhere to the core principle, as affirmed in Hamburg, that the rule of law applies online as it does offline. This must be achieved in a way that is consistent with national and international law, including human rights and fundamental freedoms such as freedom of expression and access to information - we hold these in high regard. We commit to collaborate with states, international organisations, industry, and civil society in this endeavour.