今天是:2024-04-19 星期五


时间:2020-10-15   来源:



"Ecological Civilization: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth", which is the theme of next year's Biodiversity Conference in Kunming, embodies humanity's hope for a better future. As the host country of COP15, China is happy to share with all parties its experience of advancing biodiversity governance and ecological progress.

China has pursued development under the vision of building an ecological civilization. From the traditional Chinese wisdom that the laws of Nature govern all things and that man must seek harmony with Nature, to the new development philosophy emphasizing innovative, coordinated, green and open development for all, China has always prioritized ecological progress and embedded it in every dimension and phase of its economic and social development. The goal is to seek a kind of modernization that promotes harmonious coexistence of man and Nature.