今天是:2024-04-25 星期四


时间:2020-05-27   来源:




National legislators and experts on intellectual property rights have welcomed stronger protection of online copyrights and harsher punishments for copycats in newly released draft amendments to existing law while suggesting that some new types of infringements in cyberspace be further studied.

The current law, which has been in effect for 30 years, had played an important role in encouraging innovation and protecting copyrights,but it cannot give more legal support to new types of online copyrights, let alone end related disputes, even though it was amended in 2001 and 2010.It has neither caught up with economic, technological and cultural growth nor solved new problems in the industry.So it's urgent and necessary to revise the law.

The draft's full text has been published on the website of the NPC Standing Committee, which is soliciting opinions from the public and authorities.The draft stipulates that if a copyright owner clarifies the cost of using his or her works, people using the works without paying or those deliberately infringing on the copyright will be ordered to pay five times the cost in compensation.

Notes 注释

[1] infringements:侵害,违背

[2] amend:修订修改 

[3] revise:修订修正

[4] solicit:征求募集